Single Bid System and Double Bid System in Terms of Tendering

There are two type of bidding systems available in tendering systems, Single Bid System, and Double Bid System. The bidding system of a particular tender is decided by tender publishing authority at the time of tender publishing and it cannot be changed once tender becomes published.

For vendors, there is no difference between these two in terms of bidding process but makes the difference when it's come to the comparative statement. The main difference between these two is in tender opening process which is described below in details:

Single Bid System: In single bid system all vendors who had submitted the financial bids will be considered for evaluation (ranking) at the time of financial bid opening. In this case name of all vendors will come in the comparative statement but their bids may be Technically Suitable or not.

Double Bid System: In double bid system first tender opening officials assign the tender to a Technical Member (Convener) for evaluation of technical bids. Technical member evaluates the technical bids submitted by vendors and mark either Technically Suitable or Technically Unsuitable against each and every vendor. The technical member also assigns a new date/time to tender for financial bids opening. At the time of financial bid opening only those vendors will be considered for evaluation (ranking) who had submitted financial bids and found technically suitable by the technical member.

Note: Single Bid System also called One Packet System and Double Bid System also called Two Packet System.

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