What is the online eSign Electronic Signature Service

eSign Electronic Signature Service is an innovative initiative for allowing easy, efficient, and secure signing of electronic documents by authenticating signer using e-KYC services. With this service, any eSign user can digitally sign an electronic document without having to obtain a physical digital signature dongle. Application Service Providers can integrate this service within their application to offer eSign user a way to sign electronic forms and documents. The need to obtain Digital Signature Certificate through a printed paper application form with ink signature and supporting documents will not be required.

The Digital Signature Certificate issuance and applying of signature to electronic content is carried out in few seconds with eSign. Through the interface provided by the Application Service Provider (ASP), users can apply electronic signature on any electronic content by authenticating themselves through biometric or OTP using e-KYC services. The interfaces are provided to users on a variety of devices such as computer, mobile phone etc. At the backend, eSign service provider facilitates key pair generation and Certifying Authority issues a Digital Signature Certificate. The eSign Service Provider facilitates creation of the Digital Signature of the user for the document which will be applied to the document on acceptance by the user.

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