Miscellaneous Bids in Global Tenders

Consideration of your submitted bids for ranking totaly depends on the evaluation criteria of the tender for which you have submitted your financial bids. Evaluation criterion described below for global tenders. Financial bids submitted by you will appear in Miscellaneous Bids section of the Financial Tabulation in following cases:

Supply Global Tenders

  • In case of Item Wise evaluation criteria, if you quote quantity less than the tendered quantity for one or more consignees or does not quote any quantity for one or more consignees then your offer for that item will not be considered in ranking but appear in Miscellaneous Bids section of the Financial Tabulation.
  • In case of Group Wise evaluation criteria, if you quote quantity less than the tendered quantity for one or more consignees or items or does not quote any quantity for one or more consignees or items then your offer for that Group will not be considered in ranking but appear in Miscellaneous Bids section of the Financial Tabulation.
  • In case of Total Value Wise evaluation criteria, if you quote quantity less than the tendered quantity for one or more consignees or items or does not quote any quantity for one or more consignees or items then your entire offer will not be considered in ranking but appear in Miscellaneous Bids section of the Financial Tabulation.

M&P Global Tenders

  • In case of Machine Wise evaluation criteria for M&P tenders, If you have not submitted the complete offers for all consignees of that particular machine or quoted quantity is less than the tenders quantity for Basic Machine or any Concomitant Accessories/Essential Spares/Essential Services/AMC then your offer for this machine will not be considered for ranking and appear in Miscellaneous Bids section of Financial Tabulation.
  • In case of Total Value Wise evaluation criteria for M&P tenders, If you have not submitted the complete offers for all machine and consignee or quoted quantity is less than the tenders quantity for any Basic Machine or Concomitant Accessories/Essential Spares/Essential Services/AMC then your entire offer will not be considered for ranking and appear in Miscellaneous Bids section of Financial Tabulation.
So if you want that your financial bids considered for ranking in financial tabulation then try to avoid the above cases.

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