Common and Item Wise Parameters in Global Tenders

Common Parameters & Item Wise Parameters have to be entered by Railway User after tender box opening to proceed further for generating Financial Tabulation.

GT Submit Common and Itemwise Parameters

After opening the tender box click on the link ‘submit Common/Item Wise Parameters’ to submit the parameters. After clicking on the link its opens a new page for submitting the common parameters. Enter the values for ‘Insurance Charges (%) on FOB + Freight’, ‘Landing Charges (%) on CIF’, ‘LC Charges (%)’ and ‘National Inland Freight’. Select the Date of conversion and enter the values of currency conversion rates for that date. Foreign currencies shown here are those foreign currencies in which vendors submitted their financial bid. After entering the values in required fields click on ‘Sign & Submit’ button to submit the common parameters.

On successful submission of common parameters next page loaded for submission of item wise parameters. If you want to update the common parameters then click on the link ‘Update Common Parameters’ available on below screen. Enter the values for ‘Custom Duty (%) on Assessable Value’, ‘Calculated Ocean Freight Charges (Percentage of FOB or Lump Sum/Unit)’, ‘Other Charges Type (If Any)’, ‘Other Charges (%) on FOB’ and click on the Sign & Submit button to submit the item wise parameters. If item wise parameters are same for the all the items then you can check the check box available against the label ‘applicable for remaining tender items’ and it will be submitted for all the items in one go otherwise user need to submit these parameters one by one.

On successful submission of item wise parameters next page loaded, from where you can update the item wise parameters if required by selecting the item and clicking on ‘Edit’ button.

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